Preparing for the prayer retreat I facilitated last month meant I got to read a lot of great books, including Jon M. Sweeney’s Praying with Our Hands: 21 Practices of Embodied Prayers from the World’s Spiritual Traditions. The images of prayer–with our hands, in dance, at altars–are stunning. The text is thought provoking. Here’s an… Continue reading On the Nightstand: October
Day: October 1, 2013
Being Christ in Our Lives: Bonnie Rose Hudson
My friend Bonnie Rose Hudson inspires me because she trusts God so completely. When she was still in her 20s, she went to her first writers’ conference–alone, without knowing anyone in attendance. She knew she was being called to write, specifically for young adults. In just the past two years, Bonnie Rose has gone from… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Bonnie Rose Hudson