Be Made Fresh

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. In today’s first lectionary reading from Ezekiel 47, when the angel took Ezekiel back to the temple entrance, water was trickling. After the angel measured off a distance,… Continue reading Be Made Fresh

Forgiveness and Faith in the Divine

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus… Continue reading Forgiveness and Faith in the Divine

Setting Things Aright

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. About ten years ago, I went to a penance service with a good friend. We cracked wise and giggled a bit during the goings-on, but grew quieter and… Continue reading Setting Things Aright

Listening Like Christians, Babbling Like Pagans

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. I find as time goes on, the less I talk and the more I listen when it comes to my friends… and God. It’s not that I don’t… Continue reading Listening Like Christians, Babbling Like Pagans