Wednesday’s Women: The Martyrs of Orange

The Basics: Birth dates varied; died July 9-26, 1794, in France; beatified on May 10, 1925, by Pius XI; feast day, July 9. Women religious; martyrs. The Story: When the sixteen Ursuline nuns arrived in May 1794 at the Orange jail in southern France, they were greeted by thirteen other religious sisters, some of whom had already been… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: The Martyrs of Orange

Wednesday’s Women: The Martyrs of Angers

The Basics: Eighty-three women, born between 1721 and 1771; died between January 12-April 16, 1794, in France; beatified February 19, 1984, by John Paul 22; feast day, February 1; martyrs, laywomen, women religious. The Story: They were mothers, daughters, sisters. Three of them were women religious. It appears they were everyday women… not leaders in their communities… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: The Martyrs of Angers

Wednesday’s Women: St. Jacinta Marto and Servant of God Lucia dos Santos

Note: I’m currently featuring women saints who knew each other personally–mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, sisters, and friends. The Basics: Lucia dos Santos, born March 28, 1907, in Portugal; died February 13, 2005, in Portugal; named a Servant of God, February 13, 2017; woman religious. Jacinta Marto, born March 11, 1910, in Portugal; died February… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: St. Jacinta Marto and Servant of God Lucia dos Santos

Wednesday’s Women: St. Lillian and Natalie of Cordoba

Note: I’m currently featuring women saints who knew each other personally–mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, sisters, and friends. The Basics: Lillian and Natalie (also known as Sabigotho or Natalia), both born in the 9th century in Spain; died July 27, 852, in Spain; canonized precongregation; feast day, July 27. Wives, martyrs. The Story: Lillian, Natalie, and… Continue reading Wednesday’s Women: St. Lillian and Natalie of Cordoba