Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Troncatti

Note: For the next several weeks, I’m featuring women with a connection to the Americas. The Basics: Born February 16, 1883, in Italy; died August 25, 1969, in Ecuador; beatified November 24, 2012; feast day, August 25; woman religious, missionary, nurse. The Story: This farmer’s daughter never tired of doing service in the Lord’s name. She joined… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Troncatti

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Barbara of the Holy Trinity

Note: For the next several weeks, I’m featuring women with a connection to the Americas. The Basics: Born June 27, 1818, in Austria; died March 17, 1873, in Brazil; beatified November 6, 2010; feast day, March 17; woman religious, missionary. The Story: The first thirty years of the woman born Barbara Maix were interesting, but perhaps not… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Barbara of the Holy Trinity

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Elisabeth Turgeon

Note: For the next several weeks, I’m featuring women with a connection to the Americas. The Basics: Born February 7, 1840, in Canada; died August 17, 1881, in Canada; beatified April 26, 2015; feast day, August 17; woman religious, teacher. The Story: Elisabeth, one of nine children, knew early that she was called to become a woman… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie-Elisabeth Turgeon

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Teresa de Los Andes

Note: For the next several weeks, I’m featuring women with a connection to the Americas. The Basics: Born July 13, 1900, in Chile; died April 12, 1920, in Chile; canonized March 21, 1993, by John Paul II; feast day, July 13; woman religious, mystic. The Story: Chile’s first saint, born into a wealthy family, was regarded as… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Teresa de Los Andes