The Basics: Born about 1062 in France; died 1137 in France; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, February 24. Ruler; woman religious. The Story: Adela was exposed to power and its workings from birth: her father was William the Conqueror. When she was about eighteen, she married Stephen of Blois. It appears the marriage worked for them both; the couple… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Adela of Normandy
Tag: wednesdays woman
Wednesday’s Woman: Josephine Bakhita
The Basics: Born about 1869 in Sudan; died February 8, 1947, in Italy; canonized October 1, 2000, by John Paul II; feast day, February 8. Woman religious. The Story: It is a story that begins with love and returns to love after more than a decade of suffering and injustice. It is the story of a little… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Josephine Bakhita
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Vicenta of Saint Dorothy Chavez Orozco
The Basics: Born February 6, 1867, in Mexico; died July 30, 1949, in Mexico; beatified November 27, 1997, by John Paul II; feast day, July 30. Woman religious; nurse. The Story: The woman who would become known as Madre Vicentita had a lifelong love affair with Jesus… and nursing. When she was twenty-three, she started helping at… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Vicenta of Saint Dorothy Chavez Orozco
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Hildegard Burjan
The Basics: Born January 30, 1883, in Germany; died June 11, 1933, in Austria; feast day, June 12; wife, mother, politician. The Story: Hildegard was the daughter of non-practicing Jewish parents, and from an early age had a thirst for knowledge. She attended the University of Zurich, and earned a doctorate there, which was relatively unusual… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Hildegard Burjan