The Basics: Born June 17, 1610, Italy; died September 3, 1679, in Italy; beatified March 3, 1998, by John Paul II; feast day, September 3. Wife and woman religious. The Story: It was perhaps not the life Brigida expected as a child. Born in the middle of a family of eleven children, she assumed caregiver roles when… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Brigida Morello Zancano
Tag: wednesdays woman
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Rafols Bruna
The Basics: Born November 5, 1781, in Spain; died August 30, 1853, in Spain; beatified October 16, 1994, by John Paul II; feast day, August 30. Woman religious and nurse. The Story: Maria was one of ten children, five of whom died while they were still children. And perhaps that early experience helped form her passion for… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Rafols Bruna
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Louise Trichet
The Basics: Born May 7, 1684, in France; died April 28, 1759, in France; beatified May 16, 1993, by John Paul II; feast day, May 7. Woman religious. The Story: When saints collide, holiness results. Marie Louise was the fourth of eight children, born in Poitiers, France. She was seventeen when Louis de Montfort arrived in town… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Louise Trichet
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Mercedes of Jesus Molina
The Basics: Born September 24, 1828, in Ecuador; died June 12, 1883, in Ecuador; beatified February 1, 1985, by John Paul II; feast day, June 12. Woman religious and missionary. The Story: Mercedes’ early life had much heartache… and to bear it, she turned to Jesus. Her father died when she was just two; her mother, when… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Mercedes of Jesus Molina