The Basics: Born November 25, 1386, in Germany; died November 25, 1420, in Germany; beatified June 19, 1766, by Clement XIII; feast day, November 25; woman religious. The Story: They called her “the good Betha” from an early age, and it’s easy to understand why. Elizabeth was born into a poor family, and was just fourteen when… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Elizabeth of Reute
Tag: wednesdays woman
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Luise Merkert
The Basics: Born September 21, 1817, in Poland; died November 14, 1872, in Poland; beatified September 30, 2007; feast day, November 14; woman religious. The Story: Maria’s life is one that shows us it is futile to rely on anyone but the Lord. Her father died when she was nine months old; her mother, when Maria was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Luise Merkert
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Dolores Rodriguez Sopena
The Basics: Born December 30, 1848, in Spain; died January 10, 1918, in Spain; beatified March 23, 2003; feast day, January 10; social worker; woman religious. The Story: Ten days. That’s all it took for Dolores to decide convent life was not for her. That might have been in part because so much of her life up… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Maria Dolores Rodriguez Sopena
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Jane of Signa
The Basics: Born 1244 in Italy; died November 9, 1307, in Italy; beatified September 7, 1798; feast day, November 17; shepherdess; woman religious. The Story: Jane was a simple child whose life turned out to be somewhat extraordinary. She spent her early days as the family shepherdess with a deep concern for her flock. She didn’t initially… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Jane of Signa