Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose of Viterbo

The Basics: Born circa 1235 in Italy; died March 6, 1252, in Italy; canonized in 1457 by Pope Callistus III; feast day, September 4. Mystic. The Story: Rose must have been some powerful young orator. She was a teenager when she and her family were expelled from Viterbo because of her outspokenness against the German emperor who held… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Rose of Viterbo

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monica

The Basics: Born circa 331 in what is now Algeria; died 387 in Italy; canonized precongregation; feast day, August 27. Wife and mother. The Story: Monica’s story resonates with many women today. While she succeeded relatively quickly in her efforts to convert her husband and mother-in-law to Christianity, her son Augustine was a far different story. He… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monica

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Clare of Montefalco

The Basics: Born circa 1268 in Italy; died August 18, 1308, in Italy; canonized December 8, 1881, by Pope July 16, 1767, by Pope Leo XIII; feast day, August 17. Woman religious, mystic. The Story: By the time Clare was in her mid-twenties, she had lived in a religious community for many years. She was serving as abbess… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Clare of Montefalco

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Jane Frances de Chantal

The Basics: Born January 28, 1572, in France; died December 13, 1641, in France; canonized July 16, 1767, by Pope Clement XIII; feast day, August 12. Mother, wife, and woman religious. The Story: She was attractive, intelligent, and fun to be around. But Jane’s life came crashing down around her at age twenty-eight when her husband of… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Jane Frances de Chantal