Wednesday’s Woman: St. Catherine de’ Ricci

The Basics: Born April 23, 1522, in Italy; died February 1, 1590, in Italy; canonized June 29, 1746, by Benedict IV; feast day, February 13. Woman religious and mystic. The Story: At first, they didn’t believe her. Even as a Dominican novice, Catherine experienced ecstasies that led her community to question just what was happening. Catherine withstood the tests… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Catherine de’ Ricci

Tarry Awhile

Note: On Tuesdays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.  Search an online bookstore for “St. Benedict,” and you’ll get nearly 10,000 results, many of the related to the saint’s rule for monks living in community. The rule’s recommendations on humility,… Continue reading Tarry Awhile

On the Nightstand: February 2015–And an Invitation

Don’t you love it when God keeps gently tapping at you to do something? That’s the way I’ve been feeling about the writings of Joyce Rupp, OSM. I’ve been reading her work in Living Faith for several years and enjoy her perspective very much. An author and speaker, she’s a Servite sister and describes herself… Continue reading On the Nightstand: February 2015–And an Invitation

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bathild

The Basics: Birthdate and place unknown; died 680 in France; canonized in the ninth century by Nicholas I; feast day, January 30. Queen, slave, philanthropist. The Story: Bathild (also known as Balthilde and other spellings) came to the attention of King Clovis II when she was a slave in a friend’s palace. Bathild’s intelligence and other virtues… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bathild