Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Catalina de Maria Rodriguez

The Basics: Born November 27, 1823, in Argentina; died April 5, 1896, in Argentina; beatified November 25, 2017; feast day, November 27. Wife; woman religious. The Story: This newly beatified woman was born Saturnina Rodriguez, into a politically prominent family. When she was still in her teens, she took a course in Jesuit spirituality and discerned the need… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Catalina de Maria Rodriguez

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Assunta Marchetti

The Basics: Born  August 15, 1871, in Italy; died July 1, 1948, in Brazil; beatified October 25, 2014; feast day, July 1. Woman religious, missionary. The Story: Have you ever had a sibling lead you into an adventure–and then leave you there alone? In some ways, that’s what happened to Assunta Marchetti. One of eleven children, Assunta… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Assunta Marchetti

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Francisca de Paula de Jesus

The Basics: Born about 1810 in Brazil; died June 14, 1895, in Brazil; beatified May 4, 2013; feast day, June 14; social worker. The Story: To many, Francisca was a nobody, a cipher. Her parents weren’t married, and the child was born into slavery and poverty, joining a half-brother who had a different father. She was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Francisca de Paula de Jesus

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Maria de Jesus Sacramentado

Note: For the past few months, I’ve been featuring women with a connection to the Americas. Starting next week, I’ll be looking at women like Maria de Jesus Sacramentado (born Maria Navidad Venegas de la Torre) who were beatified or canonized in the 20th or 21st centuries. The Basics: Born September 8, 1868, in Mexico; died… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Maria de Jesus Sacramentado