Wednesday’s Woman: St. Macrina the Younger

The Basics: Born about 330 in Turkey; died about 379 in Turkey; feast day, July 19. Woman religious. The Story: Macrina’s was a life filled with sharing God’s grace and love, most notably with her family. Her parents came from wealthy, spiritual upbringings, and had ten children, Macrina being the oldest. (Her father’s mother also was… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Macrina the Younger

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Lucy of Settefonti

The Basics: Born about 1100 in Italy; died about 1157 in Italy; beatified in 1779 by Pius VI; feast day, November 7. Woman religious. The Story: Lucy and her friends were attracted to the simple monastic life known as the Camaldolese, mountain communities established by Saint Romuald. The concept was a mix of community and hermetic… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Lucy of Settefonti

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Balbina of Rome

The Basics: Died 130 in Italy; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, March 31. Daughter, martyr. The Story: Some of the names of the women among the 140 statues on the St. Peter’s Basilica Colonnades are well known: Agatha, Agnes,Catherine of Siena, Cecilia, Clare, Lucy, Mary Magdalene, Teresa of Avila. Balbina is one whose full story is lost… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Balbina of Rome

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monegundis

The Basics: Born 6th century in France; died 570 in France; canonized pre-congregation; feast day, July 2. Wife, mother, woman religious. The Story: Life was humming along for Monegundis. She was married and had two young daughters. Then, one after the other, the girls died. Monegundis fell into a deep, deep depression. The only thing that… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Monegundis