Wednesday’s Woman: St. Jeanne de Valois

The Basics: Born April 23, 1464, in France; died February 4, 1505 in France; canonized May 28, 1950, by Pius XII; feast day, February 4. Queen, woman religious. The Story: Jeanne was just twelve when her father, King Louis XI of France, arranged her marriage to the Duke of Orleans, a distant cousin. But after the couple had been… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Jeanne de Valois

Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bathild

The Basics: Birthdate and place unknown; died 680 in France; canonized in the ninth century by Nicholas I; feast day, January 30. Queen, slave, philanthropist. The Story: Bathild (also known as Balthilde and other spellings) came to the attention of King Clovis II when she was a slave in a friend’s palace. Bathild’s intelligence and other virtues… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: St. Bathild

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Laura Vicuna

The Basics: Born April 5, 1891, in Chile; died January 22, 1904, in Argentina; beatified September 3, 1988, by John Paul II; feast day, January 22. Daughter. The Story: Laura’s mother must have felt she had few options. Her husband had died after the family’s move to Argentina from Chile, leaving her with two daughters under the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Laura Vicuna

Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Alfonsa Clerici

The Basics: Born February 14, 1860, in Italy; died January 14, 1930, in Italy; beatified July 1, 2010, by Benedict XVI; feast day, January 14. Teacher; woman religious. The Story: Alfonsa felt called to be a woman religious, but she also had a love of learning. The oldest of ten children, her family’s finances required her to… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Alfonsa Clerici