Mass for Three–Make That Four

Being a woman of a certain age–and asthmatic–in a location still fighting covid, I haven’t been to an in-person Mass since the first weekend in March. And while I’ve heard some wonderful homilies in Mass livestreamed from as far away as Malaysia, for Catholics, there’s nothing like the Eucharist. So you can imagine my delight… Continue reading Mass for Three–Make That Four

Returning Catholics FAQs: About Funerals

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: About Funerals

Returning Catholics FAQs: How to Receive the Eucharist

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: How to Receive the Eucharist

Returning Catholics FAQs: Bread, Wine, or Both?

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: Bread, Wine, or Both?