On the Nightstand: How to Relax

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, died earlier this year at age 95. I had a vague recollection of him meeting with the Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton during the Vietnam War, but that was about it. But the obituaries about him intrigued me, and I learned that a friend had been on… Continue reading On the Nightstand: How to Relax

On the Nightstand: The Great Magdalens

Talk about being led into temptation! A couple of publishers had big sales in the past couple of weeks and, well, what’s a girl to do? Yes, these eight books are all now on my nightstand. I’ll be starting with The Great Magdalens: Famous Women Who Returned to God after Lives of Sin. The table… Continue reading On the Nightstand: The Great Magdalens

Friends in Faith: Trudy Harlow Dervan

I’ve known Trudy Harlow Dervan for more than ten years now. We’ve been in the same Bible study group, we’re involved in some of the same ministries, and I can tell you that she and her husband, Ed, know how to throw a great Christmas Eve party. These days, Trudy is inspiring me by doing… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Trudy Harlow Dervan