“You are going to die.” Hard words, indeed. But words we can turn into hope, words that can change our lives. That’s what Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP, promises in Remember Your Death: Memento Mori Lenten Devotional. I got a bit of a head start late last year with the related journal, and am excited… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Remember Your Death: Memento Mori Lenten Devotional
Tag: On the Nightstand
On the Nightstand: Miles From Where We Started
I’m really excited about the book I’m going to be ready for March, when Lent begins. But what to read this month? Then I had lunch with a dear friend I don’t see too often. We talked about what we were reading, and I was embarrassed and surprised to realize it’s been a long time… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Miles From Where We Started
On the Nightstand: Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Well, seriously, how do you not admire the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, both Nobel Peace Prize laureates? I’m grateful to my friend Blythe Gifford for giving me this book for Christmas; I’ve been meaning to read it for two years. In this time when it seems everything is changing, it’s a reality check to… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
On the Nightstand: Remember Your Death/Memento Mori Journal
It probably seems morbid to select a title like this for December, the time when we’re waiting for the arrival of the Christ Child and surrounding ourselves with love and joy. And yet, as Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble notes, this is a practice that has been encouraged for centuries. “We remember our death in order… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Remember Your Death/Memento Mori Journal