Friends in Faith: Mary Lou Swanberg

You know how you’re sometimes drawn to another person because there’s just something about him or her when you first meet? For me, Mary Lou Swanberg is one of those people. We first met about four years ago, and her faith and inner peace just radiated. At that point, Mary Lou was in a leadership… Continue reading Friends in Faith: Mary Lou Swanberg

Being Christ in Our Lives: Nan Balfour

You know how sometimes, you start e-mailing with someone and you’re just so eager to meet in person because you know it’s going to be a mystical experience? Well, that’s how I feel about Nan Balfour, coordinator for the 2014 Catholic Women’s Conference in San Antonio, presented by The Pilgrim Center of Hope. When Nan and… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Nan Balfour

Being Christ in Our Lives: Vicki Thorn

I’d like to introduce you to one of my newer friends, Vicki Thorn, a wife, mother of six, and grandmother to six more. When I moved to Milwaukee in 1984, I was busy adapting to my newlywed life in a new city with a new job that paid a lot less than promised due to my… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Vicki Thorn