On the Nightstand: Redeemed

I have become a Heather King groupie. It started last summer when I read perhaps her best-known work, Shirt of Flame, followed by Stripped: At the Intersection of Cancer, Culture, and Christ, my favorite book of 2017. In March, I’ll be reading her book Redeemed. In flipping through some early pages, I found this beautiful passage: “To… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Redeemed

Author Spotlight: Heather King

Note: In this feature, Whitney Hopler profiles women who write about faith. If you are the author of a new book (published within the past six months) and would like to be considered for an interview, please email Melanie. By Whitney Hopler What will truly help us when we face desperate circumstances? Prayer will work when nothing… Continue reading Author Spotlight: Heather King

On the Nightstand: June 2017

I’ve followed Heather King‘s blog for a few years now because how can you not be intrigued by someone who describes herself as “an ex-barfly Catholic convert”? Her entries include many beautiful photographs and thoughtful, sometimes funny, sometimes wry, words of wisdom. But for some reason, I’ve never read Shirt of Flame, King’s memoir about coming to… Continue reading On the Nightstand: June 2017