St. Frances of Rome: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

St. Frances of Rome was born in 1384 and died on this date in 1440. As a child, Frances wanted nothing more than to enter a convent. But not only did her parents marry her off when she was just twelve… she also had to leave home to live with her in-laws! But it turned… Continue reading St. Frances of Rome: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

St. Katharine Drexel: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

St. Katharine Drexel was born in Philadelphia on November 26, 1858, and died not far away in Cornwell Heights, Pennsylvania, on March 3, 1955. We celebrated her feast day earlier this week. But Katharine did a lot of traveling—and ministry—beyond the Philadelphia region during her 96 years on earth. Born into a wealthy, philanthropic family,… Continue reading St. Katharine Drexel: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity are believed to have died on this date in the year 203 in Carthage.  Perpetua, a young widow with a child… her slave, Felicity… and three others were imprisoned as Christians. The little band formed a community during their time together, a community Perpetua had not known with her own family,… Continue reading Sts. Perpetua and Felicity: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections