About that Lent Thing

So… about that Lent thing. Back on March 4, I pledged to give up and take up in hopes of following Christ more closely. Here’s how I did: No meals out while I was in town: I think I did well by the intention of saving money and giving it to charity, and giving the time to God.… Continue reading About that Lent Thing

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Today, we attempt to drink in the profoundity of what the Lord has done for us: Sent his only begotten Son to redeem us… and to show us in a way we can understand that he loves us so very much. We learn that despite his pain and suffering and agony, Jesus, who… Continue reading Happy Easter!

St. Veronica: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections

We remember the woman we call Saint Veronica every time we participate in the Stations of the Cross: a woman steps forward to provide relief to Christ by wiping the blood and sweat from his face with her veil. We’re not sure if this event happened… or, if it did, what happened to Veronica or… Continue reading St. Veronica: 2014 Daily Lenten Reflections