No “Family Hold Back” Here

Note: On Tuesdays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there.  The crowd was hungry. All they had was five loaves and two fish. You know what happened next. Love’s funny that way. It’s not like when a dozen people show up… Continue reading No “Family Hold Back” Here

Returning Catholics FAQs: Excommunication

On Mondays, I answer questions frequently asked by those considering a return to the Catholic Church. How do I know this stuff? I was away for more than 30 years myself, and am the co-author of  When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, a book for pastors and parish leaders interested in this… Continue reading Returning Catholics FAQs: Excommunication

On the Nightstand: January 2015

Last month for Living Faith, I wrote about the joyous curveball God tossed to Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father, and heard at the site and via email from a few folks. One mentioned a book called The Joy of Full Surrender byJean-Pierre de Caussade, a Jesuit priest. It seemed like the perfect resource with which to… Continue reading On the Nightstand: January 2015

Being Christ in Our Lives: Colleen “Duffy” Kiko

Colleen “Duffy” Kiko has a pretty important job here in Washington, DC, but you’d never know it from talking with her. She’s a humble woman, very humble. Duffy is passionate about her wonderful family (four children, four grandchildren, and her husband); her love of preserving memories through scrapbooks, virtual or on paper, and helping others to do the same;… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Colleen “Duffy” Kiko