Note: I’m currently featuring women saints who had notable relationships with male saints–their sons, husbands, fathers, or colleagues in faith. The Basics: Maria, born June 24, 1884, in Italy; died August 26, 1965, in Italy; Luigi, born January 12, 1880, in Italy; died November 9, 1951, in Italy. Beatified October 21, 2001, by John Paul II;… Continue reading Wednesday’s People: Blesseds Maria and Luigi Quattrocchi
Tag: beatified
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Zdenka Cecilia Schelingova
Note: To observe the Jubilee Year of Mercy (which runs through November 20), for several weeks I am featuring women who exemplify one of the corporal or spiritual works of mercy. Today: Visit the imprisoned. The Basics: Born December 24, 1916, in Slovakia; died July 31, 1955, in Slovakia; beatified September 14, 2003, by John Paul… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Zdenka Cecilia Schelingova
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Poussepin
The Basics: Born October 14, 1653, in France; died January 24, 1744, in France; beatified November 20, 1994, by John Paul II; feast day, October 14. Educator, social worker. The Story: By the time Marie was thirty, both of her parents had died, leaving behind a once-prosperous manufacturing business that was deeply in debt. As the… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Poussepin
Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Anne Blondin
The Basics: Born April 18, 1809, in Terrebone, Canada; died January 2, 1890, in Lachine, Canada; beatified April 29, 2001, by Pope John Paul II; feast day, April 18. Educator, woman religious. The Story: Born Esther Blondin, this blessed was born the third of twelve children in Quebec. She was illiterate when she went to work as… Continue reading Wednesday’s Woman: Blessed Marie Anne Blondin