Has there ever been a comfortable time to be a Catholic? You have to wonder. The Inquisition. The Reformation. Today’s pedophile scandals. Strange investigations into women religious. Bishops weighing in on political issues, seemingly at odds with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops‘ guidance. My column today at Your Daily Tripod speaks a bit to… Continue reading Come, Holy Spirit
Let’s Talk
Here’s the thing. I hate to talk on the phone. I don’t text in my real life (yes, I carry a Blackberry for work, and I use it, but that’s different). E-mail me, and you’ll get an answer, usually fairly quickly. Phone me… not so much. About the only people’s calls I’m 100 percent guaranteed… Continue reading Let’s Talk
Jesus in the Holy Water
In January 2003, some of the friends I’d made at the Green Lake Christian Writers’ Conference–we’d dubbed ourselves the BAGS, Bad-xxxxed Girls–came to see me in Cincinnati. A lot had changed for me since the previous summer. I was getting a new boss; the old friend who had brought me to the company in November 1998 was leaving. It… Continue reading Jesus in the Holy Water
Hearing What We Want to Hear
The lectionary Gospel reading last week was on the prodigal son. It’s one of those love-it-or-hate-it readings. If you’ve ever been away from faith, it warms your heart. If you’ve always been with God, it can make you a little angry.