Usually, I’m a very decisive person. Just ask the people I edit: “I know you love the way you wrote this scene, but it doesn’t move the story forward.” “That character’s interesting,
Spring Is in the Air, and the Tourists Are in DC
In San Juan Capistrano, it’s the swallows. In Hinckley, it’s the buzzards. And in South West DC, it’s the tourists at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
The Day When Everyone’s Catholic
If March 17 is the day when everyone’s Catholic, Ash Wednesday is the day when everyone’s Catholic. Your New Year’s resolutions haven’t worked out so well? Here’s another opportunity to give up wine, chocolate, or junk TV for six weeks.
Learning to Listen to the Answers to How and Why and What
A Monday in mid-May, 1976. I walked into the Mobridge Tribune, considered the best weekly in South Dakota, to begin what was at the time considered the best combination