The queen of looking back was Lot’s wife. In Genesis 19, angels tell Lot his city will be destroyed due to the Lord’s displeasure, and that he, his wife, and his two daughters need to leave and not look back. And Lot, whose actions are sometimes less than admirable (earlier, he offered to let his daughters be raped; later, his daughters get him drunk and have sex with him) obeys. He doesn’t look back. But his wife does, and turns into a pillar of salt.
I was digging around to learn more about Lot’s wife and what made her turning around so despicable to God. A simple matter of obedience? (Ah, obedience; almost never simple, right?) And I came across this book, which has reviewed well and won some awards.
I ordered it to use as a resource for learning more about the Jewish take on Lot’s wife and other stories. I doubt I’ll read it cover to cover, but I like the idea of having another view on the Old Testament accounts I find both instructive and challenging.
What’s on your nightstand?