A friend in Chicago gave me this book, which the jacket copy describes as a “creative combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology.”
I was even more intrigued by this comment from the author, Robert J. Wicks, in an online interview: “When we are prayerful, we move away from judging and more to experiencing. We start to recognize that people don’t get up in the morning thinking about us; we become less ego-centered. We have an increased desire to be transparent and be persons without guile rather than manipulating situations. Life does become more enriching…more fun, really.”
I’m definitely in favor of more fun, so I’m looking forward to reading Prayerfulness this month. What’s on your nightstand?
I’m reading Rediscover Catholicism A spiritual guide to Living with Passion and Purpose. A gift from our men’s spirituality group. Our small Christian group is studying it.
Thanks, Martha! That looks like a good one!