Last month, I shared that my word for 2025 is harmony, and I asked for yours. Here’s a sampling:

Angie: “It may be a bit current-culture-cliche, but I chose the word INTENTIONAL. This year, I want to be more intentional, more aware, more conscious and purposeful about everything I do . . . in my relationships (spouse, kids, friends, family), my prayer life and spirituality and relationship with God, my work life … my self-care, everything. It may be too lofty a goal and I don’t know exactly what it looks like, but that’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. I want to make everything MATTER.”
Michael: “My word for this year will be STRONG.”
Grace: “I need to be more ACTIVE. I’ve got to be more active and get my mind set on whatever I need. Even if it is surgery.”
“honor God’s creation, truly appreciate the plants of the earth and treat the animals with kindness
“respect my own body through mindful, plant-based eating and healthy exercises and practices
“integrate my devotion to God into all the areas of my life”