The woman at the well. The woman healed by a touch. The widow at Nain and the others. We know them only by where they were or what they did. But Jesus knew them. He knew all about them—just as he knows about us.
This eight-lesson Bible study, suitable for individual or group use, delves into each woman’s possible emotions before the encounter, and what lessons we can learn from them. Journaling prompts and discussion questions are included for lesson.
This study is for adult Catholic women who are seeking to learn more about the woman whose names are forgotten by history—and themselves.
The big questions: What happened to them after their encounter with grace? What happens to us after our encounters with grace?
I’ll share pre-ordering and ordering information as soon as I have it from my publisher, Bayard’s Twenty-Third Publications unit. In the meantime, I hope you love the cover as much as I do.