Wednesday’s Woman: St. Emilie de Vialar

saints_emiliedevialar_wikimedia_20140607The Basics: Born September 12, 1797, in France; died August 24, 1856, in France; canonized June 24, 1951, by Pius XII; feast day, June 17. Founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition.

The Story: As the daughter of a baron, Emilie didn’t want for much in tangible goods while she was growing up. She went away to Paris to school, but returned home at fifteen to care for her father after her mother’s death. He didn’t support Emilie’s plans to enter the religious life. She turned her attention to her hometown, doing what she could to help children. Then, when Emilie was thirty-five, her maternal grandfather died, leaving her a share of his estate. She used it to buy a house and with some companions, found the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, which provides education in addition to assisting the sick and those in need.

Emilie’s Wisdom:  “Since God does so much for me, what could I not do for him?”

What We Can Learn: Sometimes, the waiting is the hardest part. Just for today, stop worrying about something that’s out of your control. Offer up your submission in prayer.

To Learn More About Emilie: Check out the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition’s Web site or her Vatican biography.

To Learn More About Other Women Saints and Blesseds: Come back next week, or consider buying my book, Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration.

By Melanie

Melanie Rigney is the author of Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century and other Catholic books. She is a contributor to Living Faith and other Catholic blogs. She lives in Arlington, Virginia. Melanie also owns Editor for You, a publishing consultancy that since 2003 has helped hundreds of writers, publishers, and agents.


  1. Wow! I have never heard of her, but what an interesting woman! I’m not even familiar with that order of Sisters. Thank you for posting.

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