St. Teresa of Avila was born in Spain 499 years ago today and died on October 4, 1582. Her feast day isn’t until October 15, but I thought I’d talk about her today since it’s her birthday… and because I bought this cool statue of her last week at Milwaukee’s Marian Center.
What to say about Teresa? She’s a doctor of the Catholic Church for her writings on prayer, yet her true prayer life didn’t begin until after she was forty. She was beautiful and flirtatious when she was young, yet she was responsible for reforming a Carmelite order, taking it back to its original simplicity. She battled clerical and lay authorities. She once wisecracked to God that it was no wonder he didn’t have many friends, given the way he treated them. Teresa had dry spells in her faith life like everyone else. Yet she was always confident the Lord was there.
St. Teresa of Avila said: “We need no wings to go in search of him, but have only to look upon him present within us.”
Set aside a bit of time today… even ten minutes will do. Ask the Lord to make His presence known to you.
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