I freely confess to being a Heather King groupie. She describes herself as “an ex-lawyer, a sober alcoholic of 35 years, a Catholic convert, and a lover of books, film, and art.” She’s one of the finest memoirists writing today. (I especially love her one-word-title books, including Parched, Redeemed, and Stripped.) So when her essay collection came out last month (subtitled “The Joys, Sufferings and Debacles of a Life Ordered to Art”), I jumped on it.
I just started reading Consumed, and I’m already, well, consumed. This is what King says about why she writers, put much better than I could. I hope it also describes why you do what you do:
It’s all about Christ. It’s wanting to get closer to Christ and to share that with people, the excitement, the weirdness.
What’s on your nightstand?