On the Nightstand: Braving the Thin Places

I first heard the phrase “thin place” more than twenty years ago, watching the sun rise over a Wisconsin lake with a new acquaintance. She told me it was a place where it was easy to meet God. Not practicing any faith at that point, it really spoke to me.

But recently I ran across this book by Julianne Stanz, subtitled “Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace.” Her definition is a bit different: “Your thin place might be an important threshold, a soul friendship, a fresh chapter in your own life story, a painful secret or fear or a time of hardship. … These moments open us to places of rawness and beauty.”

It seemed like the perfect thing for quarter-Irish me to delve into in March… as Lent begins!

What’s on your nightstand?

By Melanie

Melanie Rigney is the author of Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century and other Catholic books. She is a contributor to Living Faith and other Catholic blogs. She lives in Arlington, Virginia. Melanie also owns Editor for You, a publishing consultancy that since 2003 has helped hundreds of writers, publishers, and agents.

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