On the Nightstand: August 2015

by Melanie on August 1, 2015

in Catholicism, Friendship, Landings, Newsletter, Nonfiction, On the Nightstand, Returnees, Spirituality, When They Come Home

As someone who didn’t have a faith life for decades (and coauthor of a book for parish leaders on setting up programs to help back “away” Catholics), I’m always interested in hearing or reading about others who left the Church, why they came back, and what the Lord has setprodigalyoulove them on fire to do in His name. That’s how I came to “know” on social media Sister Theresa Aletheia Noble, who was raised as a Catholic, became an atheist and who, well, obviously, has found her way back.

Her“Pursued by Truth” blog on Patheos is on my daily must-read list for her beautiful, sensitive writing, and I’m looking forward to more of the same this month in her book  The Prodigal You Love. The book’s concept–how mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, and coworkers can minister to those who have left the Church–is something that should resonate with everyone.

What’s on your nightstand?

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