Friends in Faith: Sister Mary Margaret Ann Schlather

by Melanie on March 1, 2020

in Catholicism, Friends in Faith, Friendship, Newsletter, Spirituality

Sister Mary Margaret Ann Schlather, SND, is my very favorite lector at my parish, and occasionally it’s my honor to lector with her. Her voice carries well, she makes great eye contact, and the way she proclaims makes me feel like the writer is speaking directly to me.

Sister’s also a great listener, especially to God. She’s the dean of catechetical programs at Catholic Distance University and is currently juggling the complex process of acquiring three accreditations for the university–all in order to convey the Joy of Truth more credibly throughout the world. 

Rightfully, this responsibility is taking takes up much of her time right now. That work and God are her focus, and that means saying no to some other things. I, on the other hand, tend to overcommit, not always giving my devotion to what the Lord wants. As Lent begins, I’m thinking about Sister Mary Margaret Ann and how I can emulate her graceful no’s and not now’s.  

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