He Who Speaks Through You

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (who is called Christ). When he comes, he will proclaim all things to us.”  Jesus said to… Continue reading He Who Speaks Through You

Discipline, Rigor, and Faith

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. So here we are, nearly two weeks past Ash Wednesday. How’s it going so far? Staying away from the wine or chocolate? Still off social media? Setting aside… Continue reading Discipline, Rigor, and Faith

Babbling Like Pagans

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the Lord’s Prayer. But before He shows us how to pray, he tells us how not to pray.… Continue reading Babbling Like Pagans

Discussing Who Was the Greatest

Note: On Tuesdays and some Sundays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. It was a joke, I guess.  Or maybe a misguided attempt to be helpful. Or maybe I was overly sensitive. Most likely, it was a combination of all… Continue reading Discussing Who Was the Greatest