The Supreme Word Goddess of the Universe

The first time I met Meredith Gould, she was rearranging the table and chairs for an editing panel in which she and I and another person were participating. You see, the table and chairs weren’t exactly aligned. I had to laugh; if she hadn’t done it, I would have. In the next hour, I learned… Continue reading The Supreme Word Goddess of the Universe

Typecasting Typing

Most of my friends took typing in ninth grade. Not me. There was no way I was ever going to be a secretary, and really, what other job would require that skill? I didn’t take it when I was a sophomore either. Then, when I was a junior, I took typing for one reason and… Continue reading Typecasting Typing

Thru and Thru

Writers can learn a lot from Keith Richards, and I’m not talking about drug abuse or successful rehab. I say this because of Keith’s passion for what he does. He didn’t become a musician for the money. He doesn’t write to trends. He does what he does because he has to. He’d be playing in… Continue reading Thru and Thru

It’s About Time

Between the time I moved to DC in February 2004 and October 2008, my finances were a mess. Suffice it to say that when I left my husband, a great deal of credit card debt ended up as my responsibility because I had been the primary earner in my marriage. Freelance editing kept me afloat; in… Continue reading It’s About Time