Memoir Memories

I knew it was bad news when my publishing house editor said he had to call me about my memoir, What to Wear on Your Way to Hell… and Other Detours to Heaven, which was due to go on press shortly. My guess was that a last-minute rewrite of some content wasn’t enough to allay… Continue reading Memoir Memories

Kathleen Norris and Me

December 1982. Sharyl, a friend from my days in Pierre, South Dakota, was in her first year as the grade school principal for the Harding County, South Dakota, school system. Harding County is in the far northwest corner of the state, bordering Montana and North Dakota. At that time, Harding County, with a total area of… Continue reading Kathleen Norris and Me

The Supreme Word Goddess of the Universe

The first time I met Meredith Gould, she was rearranging the table and chairs for an editing panel in which she and I and another person were participating. You see, the table and chairs weren’t exactly aligned. I had to laugh; if she hadn’t done it, I would have. In the next hour, I learned… Continue reading The Supreme Word Goddess of the Universe