My sister and I went to Tulsa for New Year’s. Oklahoma is her next-to-last state (in the Great Rigney Family States Saga; she’ll get New Mexico on her own this fall). In typical
Category: Travel
Transcendence on the Plains
The shortest way to get to Pierre, South Dakota’s capital, from my hometown of Sioux Falls is Interstate 90 to US 83. But since I’ve been old enough to drive, I’ve favored taking 90 to
Spring Is in the Air, and the Tourists Are in DC
In San Juan Capistrano, it’s the swallows. In Hinckley, it’s the buzzards. And in South West DC, it’s the tourists at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
To Sir, Not With Love
I’m not much of a ranter these days. It just takes too much effort. But I’m sooo tired of call center assistors who assume I’m a man. Now, my voice is a little low. But it’s not that low. And even if I sounded like Barry White, look at my name! It’s