On the Nightstand: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur

My sister and I have become real The Chosen devotees (we even have t-shirts) and are impatiently waiting for season 4. In the meantime, I’m going to take up this John MacArthur look at the apostles, imperfections and all, and how they helped change the world. I’m also hoping this will help me learn to… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur

On the Nightstand: Stumble by Heather King

The “sell” copy for this collection of Heather King essays begins: STUMBLE will inspire you to understand that the first step on the path of redemption is a sense of humor. The second is failure. Why, for example, every time I go “on retreat,” do I manage to develop at least one huge resentment? And… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Stumble by Heather King

On the Nightstand: Beautiful Holiness: A Spiritual Journey with Blessed Conchita to the Heart of Jesus by Kathleen Beckman

Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (1862-1937) was a mother of nine when her husband died. It was not an easy life; she lived in Mexico City, and the Mexican Revolution began nine years after her husband’s death. Undoubtedly, she asked the Lord for many graces during those years. This is the response she received: “Ask me… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Beautiful Holiness: A Spiritual Journey with Blessed Conchita to the Heart of Jesus by Kathleen Beckman

On the Nightstand: The Handy Little Guide: Liturgy of the Hours by Barb Szyszkiewicz

Back in the fall of 2019, I bought the 2,000-page Christian Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours, with every intention of adopting the practice of stopping to pray five times a day (also known as the Divine Office) in 2020. I was just starting to get into this beautiful habit and then, well, covid. And I… Continue reading On the Nightstand: The Handy Little Guide: Liturgy of the Hours by Barb Szyszkiewicz