Dear God, Sometimes, you’re really frustrating. I want to write Christian fiction. You know that. And you even provided some positive
Category: Spirituality
The Los Angeles airport Hilton, shortly after 6 a.m. A work colleague and I were talking quietly in our respective beds, figuring out who was going to shower first and reflecting on a great meal the night before. We’d be driving to San Diego for an 11 a.m. meeting with an advertiser. The phone rang.… Continue reading 9/11/01
Transcendence on the Plains
The shortest way to get to Pierre, South Dakota’s capital, from my hometown of Sioux Falls is Interstate 90 to US 83. But since I’ve been old enough to drive, I’ve favored taking 90 to
Who I Am
I’m in team formation for a women’s Cursillo Weekend. If you’re not familiar with Cursillo, it’s similar to the Road to Emmaus and other experiences that celebrate Christ and his