Lent 2013, Day 3: Sacrifices and the Cee-ment Pond

Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. One year when I was a child, my Lenten sacrifice was not to watch The Beverly Hillbillies. Now, while that may sound impressive if you’re of a certain age, it really wasn’t.… Continue reading Lent 2013, Day 3: Sacrifices and the Cee-ment Pond

Lent 2013, Day 1: Ashes, Ashes…

The first time I went to church on Ash Wednesday was 2006, when a group of us from work walked to a DC parish that pretty much shovels people in and shovels them out on “Ash and Dash” day. I don’t have a strong memory of that first time a priest crossed my forehead with ashes. What I… Continue reading Lent 2013, Day 1: Ashes, Ashes…