“Every chance to write is a prayer,” my fellow Your Daily Tripod contributor Father Joe McCloskey, S.J., wrote to a group of us in an e-mail last week. That’s the thing about Father Joe; I don’t know if it’s his fifty years as a priest or his time with
Category: Spirituality
The Rights of Royalty
Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. David loved God. There can be no question of that. He messed up, royally messed up, on more than one occasion. Yet his
Of Tongues and Lips
A potentially good thing happened to me this morning, actually a potentially great thing. It has to do with a longtime rift with someone I love very much, and an indication the ice may be thawing. The situation has been the subject of many prayers, mine and those of some friends. It seemed appropriate to offer… Continue reading Of Tongues and Lips
In the Dark
It was dark. Darker than anywhere I’d ever slept before. Quiet too. A friend and I were spending a weekend in beautiful Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, a scenic, arty little community of about 600 residents in the Appalachians. My friend scored us a roomy two-bedroom unit that faced the town square, just around the corner… Continue reading In the Dark