Whee! Coming Soon: Unforgettable Women of the Gospels

The woman at the well. The woman healed by a touch. The widow at Nain and the others. We know them only by where they were or what they did. But Jesus knew them. He knew all about them—just as he knows about us. This eight-lesson Bible study, suitable for individual or group use, delves… Continue reading Whee! Coming Soon: Unforgettable Women of the Gospels

On the Nightstand: Surrendering to God by Keith Beasley-Topliffe

I had not heard of the Covenant Prayer or 17th century Puritan minister Richard Alleine before I picked up this book. It’s a slim volume, not even 150 pages. I’m just about to begin the conclusion, and highly recommend the book and the prayer. The prayer begins: “I am no longer my own, but thine.… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Surrendering to God by Keith Beasley-Topliffe

On the Nightstand: The Handy Little Guide: Liturgy of the Hours by Barb Szyszkiewicz

Back in the fall of 2019, I bought the 2,000-page Christian Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours, with every intention of adopting the practice of stopping to pray five times a day (also known as the Divine Office) in 2020. I was just starting to get into this beautiful habit and then, well, covid. And I… Continue reading On the Nightstand: The Handy Little Guide: Liturgy of the Hours by Barb Szyszkiewicz

On the Nightstand: Grace in Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Martha

I had the pleasure of scanning through a galley of Claire McGarry’s wonderful new book, and now I’m looking forward to holding it in my own hands as I read it. Regardless of how much we grow spiritually, I’m betting we all still identify with Martha telling Jesus, “Make my sister help me!” and Mary… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Grace in Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Martha