Usually, I’m a very decisive person. Just ask the people I edit: “I know you love the way you wrote this scene, but it doesn’t move the story forward.” “That character’s interesting,
Category: Nonfiction
Spring Is in the Air, and the Tourists Are in DC
In San Juan Capistrano, it’s the swallows. In Hinckley, it’s the buzzards. And in South West DC, it’s the tourists at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Loving DC for the Second Generation
My mother, Gloria Mary Smith Rigney, died twenty-one years ago today at the age of sixty-three. She was alone at her house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when she had a heart attack, her second. My sisters, brother, and my
Leaving… and Coming Full Circle
I recently was asked to help out with a couple of editing projects at the place I was baptized, confirmed, and made my First Communion–St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I was humbled, and of course I said yes. I’m hoping to be there when the new altar is installed later this year. It’ll… Continue reading Leaving… and Coming Full Circle