Do you ever think about getting a tattoo? It’s just never been something that appeals to me. I don’t even like to have blood drawn, much less let someone stick me with ink-filled
Category: Nonfiction
Ghosts of a Christmas Past
Six years ago today, I was back in full communion with the Catholic Church for the first time in decades. Tears streamed down my face as I approached my pastor, who was also
Simbang Gabi Day 9: The Best Ever!
For the past four years, I’ve been doing at least parts of the 5 a.m. novena at my parish, thanks to my friend Mimi Fitzgerald. Last year, I made all nine days for the first time, but
Simbang Gabi Day 8: The Case of the Missing Priest
Five a.m. No priest. Then 5:05 a.m. No priest. He’s coming to Arlington from Maryland, and there’s some thought that a lane reconfiguration may have confused him. Then 5:10