If you ride the Washington Metro’s Orange Line (Vienna-New Carrollton) at the right time of day, you probably know him as the conductor who calls it the “Orange train” rather than
Category: Nonfiction
Stopping Out for Lent
Here’s what my Lent looks like:
Friendship on Small Plates
I love restaurants that offer small plates. Portion control is the biggest challenge I face with food, and it helps to know the right amount is going to come to the table. Eliminating
Of Flashlights, Woods, Friends, and 150 Steps
A good friend and I recently spent a weekend at the Benedictine monastery in Erie, Pennsylvania. We each had a “hermitage” of our own in the nearby woods; hers was named for St. Scholastica. It’s known among the sisters as “Stilts.” The first evening, my friend and I talked at “Stilts” until about 10 p.m.,… Continue reading Of Flashlights, Woods, Friends, and 150 Steps