I’ve been going to a nearby sing-along Messiah for eight years or so. The soloists are always first rate, the conductor excellent and infectiously joyous, the musicians superb.
Category: Nonfiction
Cataloging Christmas Dreams
They must have come in late October, as I know the brown and red and yellow leaves still were scurrying around our large yard when they arrived. Funny to think that even nearly fifty years ago, Christmas merchandising started that early. Mom would try to hide them for a few days, but that was all she… Continue reading Cataloging Christmas Dreams
Thanks, Hoss
So there I was today, taking in my 1991 (that’s right, 1991) Toyota Camry in for its annual Virginia safety inspection, when a bit of magic and connection happened. When I first moved to Arlington in 2004, there often was something wrong with the car,
Handwriting on the Heart
I never saw his handwriting. I saw all of him physically, and a whole lot of his heart and soul, I think. But never his handwriting. Not a card, not a note, not a to-do list. He was careful that way, the same way