On the Nightstand: Tuesday’s Journal

It was the day after Ash Wednesday when I stopped by my business mailbox. I had about a million things on my to-do list for the coming three days, and I knew I wouldn’t get through them even with having Friday off. But along with the usual magazines and solicitations was this lovely book, written… Continue reading On the Nightstand: Tuesday’s Journal

The Race

Note: On Tuesdays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. Do you want to be first? Okay, so maybe not first. But probably not last. Last can leave us with the piece of cake with the least frosting on it, the… Continue reading The Race

George, Betty, and Me

People ask me if I’ve always been a writer, and I usually answer that while I remember writing a story called “Amy’s Valentine” in fourth grade, not really much after that for decades. But in sorting through school stuff recently, I found a story that predates Amy by a year, “The Fourth of July.” “Very… Continue reading George, Betty, and Me