“I always wanted to be an airline stewardess,” the woman joked as she offered a snack somewhere between cornbread and pound cake to those of us in the line that snaked
Category: Nonfiction
Simbang Gabi 2012, Day 6: Prayers of the Faithful
When it comes to the Prayers of the Faithful, specifically, the parts where we pray for the sick and the deceased, there are two kinds of people: Those who prefer to pray silently for
Simbang Gabi 2012, Day 5: Why I’m Catholic
I’m not tired this morning. But then, I would challenge anyone who was at today’s 5 a.m. Mass to be tired. Our celebrant was Father Joseph Bruce, the second deaf person to be ordained a priest in the United States. And when I say “celebrant,” I mean it in every sense of the word and
Simbang Gabi 2012, Day 4: The Benefits of Being Tired
Tomorrow, we hit the halfway point of Simbang Gabi 2012, the nine-day, 5 a.m. Mass cycle the Filipino community at St. Charles Borromeo organizes each year at this time and that