Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. It was a simple question, really. As John’s Gospel notes, Jesus already knew how he was
Category: Nonfiction
Of Friendship, Fishing, and Food
Note: On Fridays, you can find me at Your Daily Tripod, owned by my friend TonyD. A longer version of the post below appears there. “Come, have breakfast.” Such simple, loving words. The apostles were lost without Jesus, as John reminds us in today’s Gospel reading. In fact, Peter and some of the others who… Continue reading Of Friendship, Fishing, and Food
Lenten Learnings
And now, we are in the beautiful season of Easter. We always know how the story of Lent ends for Jesus and our salvation, of course, but we’re never sure how any particular Lent will end for us. Will we be able to say “mission accomplished” when it comes to our Ash
Easter 2013: “We Are Witnesses to All That He Did”
The church was still half empty this morning when I knelt to pray. When I arose, I noted a priest sitting in front of me, clipboard in hand. He’d make a few notes, then look at the altar a few seconds, then go back to his notes. Now, this priest is a nice man, but a less than… Continue reading Easter 2013: “We Are Witnesses to All That He Did”