On the Nightstand: December 2014

Whenever I see my birthday twin and friend-going-back-to-before-I-had-faith friend Letitia Suk, I come away refreshed and challenged. When we had lunch in Chicago in late October, we got into a discussion of keeping the Sabbath, something I am woefully bad at, using the dodge that generally, I’m writing for God on that day so maybe… Continue reading On the Nightstand: December 2014

Being Christ in Our Lives: Andrea L. Wirt

I had the pleasure of spending time with Andrea Wirt while I was in the Chicagoland area in late October. Andrea grew up primarily in Colorado and came to Evanston, Illinois, for law school, where she met her husband Dave and converted to Catholicism. Life went on, and they both experienced professional success and attended Mass… Continue reading Being Christ in Our Lives: Andrea L. Wirt

On the Nightstand: November 2014

A friend in Chicago gave me this book, which the jacket copy describes as a “creative combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology.” I was even more intrigued by this comment from the author, Robert J. Wicks, in an online interview: “When we are prayerful, we move away from judging and more to experiencing. We… Continue reading On the Nightstand: November 2014

On the Nightstand: October 2014

Recently, a priest suggested I pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary to help better hear God’s desires for me on a couple of decision points. He noted, more elegantly than this, that Mary pondered many things in her heart… listened to the Lord… and went about her life instead of being paralyzed with indecision. A… Continue reading On the Nightstand: October 2014